Monday, August 09, 2010

July 27, 2010 - Mackerel Cove, Jamestown, RI

We've spent most of the last two weeks working on houses. Between renovation work on my sister's place in Somerville, trimming trees and cleaning gutters at Suzy's, and cleaning out the garage at Sten's grandmother's house, we've been a bit grubby lately. It was clearly time for a swim.

With the wind out of the northwest, Mackerel Cove in Jamestown is our first choice for idyllic places to escape to. A dramatic rocky shoreline, dotted with little pebble swimming beaches, and topped with some beautiful homes in the New England vernacular, the cove is like a slice of Maine in Rhode Island. Only, the water is warmer. Not much warmer, but a little.

When the wind switches around to the south, as it does most afternoons here, the cove can get a little bouncy. But until it switches around, the water is calm, making the cove a beautiful spot for a picnic lunch and a swim . . .a very short, very refreshing swim.

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